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I really appreciate Dr. Dodson and my new front tooth. When I came to see Dr. Dodson I had a missing front tooth. I had worn a flipper for years to fill in my smile. It was uncomfortable and I was very aware of it. He made me a beautiful new permanent tooth that matches my other teeth perfectly! Now

What Are Sensitive Teeth?Dientes sensibles

What Are Sensitive Teeth?

Teeth are sensitive if they often hurt when they are exposed to cold or to air. You may also feel discomfort or a sudden flash of pain when eating sweet, acidic, or hot foods. The pain you feel may be due to receding gums, worn tooth enamel, or worn root surfaces. Healthy teeth are protected by strong enamel and good gums.


How Teeth Become Sensitive

When enamel erodes or gums recede, dentin can be exposed. Dentin is the layer of the tooth that is normally covered by the enamel and gums. The most common cause of sensitive teeth is exposed dentin. Dentin is connected to the nerve that triggers pain in sensitive teeth.


If You Have Sensitive Teeth

See your dentist if you have sensitive, painful teeth. Your dentist will examine your teeth, determine the cause of your tooth sensitivity, and recommend a proper treatment plan.

Date Last Reviewed: 2004-08-11T00:00:00-06:00

Date Last Modified: 2003-02-06T00:00:00-07:00